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#include <future>
#include <functional>
#include "tiny_pool.h"
class TinyPool { // OOP for tiny_thread_pool
pool_t *pool;
static void wrap_c_func(void *func) { // wrap std::function as c-style function ptr
auto func_ptr = static_cast<std::function<void()>*>(func);
delete func_ptr; // free lambda function
void boot() { tiny_pool_boot(pool); }
void join() { tiny_pool_join(pool); }
void kill() { tiny_pool_kill(pool); }
void detach() { tiny_pool_detach(pool); }
explicit TinyPool(uint32_t size) { pool = tiny_pool_create(size); }
template <typename Func, typename ...Args>
auto submit(Func &&func, Args &&...args) -> std::future<decltype(func(args...))> { // submit new task
std::function<decltype(func(args...))()> wrap_func = std::bind(
std::forward<Func>(func), std::forward<Args>(args)... // wrap as a function without params
auto func_ptr = std::make_shared<
std::packaged_task<decltype(func(args...))()> // function task as shared ptr
tiny_pool_submit(pool, TinyPool::wrap_c_func, (void*)( // submit with thread pool interface
new std::function<void()> (
[func_ptr]() { (*func_ptr)(); } // create lambda for running task
return func_ptr->get_future(); // return future object
/// ------------------------------------ start test ------------------------------------
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
int test_func(char c) {
int num = c - '0';
printf("char -> `%c`\n", c);
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
printf("task %d running...\n", num);
usleep(500 * 1000);
return num;
int main() {
auto pool = TinyPool(3);
auto f0 = pool.submit(test_func, '0');
auto f1 = pool.submit(test_func, '1');
auto f2 = pool.submit(test_func, '2');
auto f3 = pool.submit(test_func, '3');
auto f4 = pool.submit(test_func, '4');
auto f5 = pool.submit(test_func, '5');
printf("get future: %d\n", f0.get());
printf("get future: %d\n", f4.get());
printf("get future: %d\n", f3.get());
auto f6 = pool.submit(test_func, '6');
auto f7 = pool.submit(test_func, '7');
auto f8 = pool.submit(test_func, '8');
auto f9 = pool.submit(test_func, '9');
printf("get future: %d\n", f2.get());
printf("get future: %d\n", f5.get());
printf("get future: %d\n", f8.get());
printf("get future: %d\n", f6.get());
printf("get future: %d\n", f1.get());
printf("get future: %d\n", f9.get());
printf("get future: %d\n", f7.get());