#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Fetch catalog and output as JSON format.
USAGE: python3 catalog.py
import re
import sys
import json
from utils import logger
from utils import httpRequest
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def extractCatalog(rawHtml: bytes) -> dict: # extract catalog from html content
catalog = {}
html = BeautifulSoup(str(rawHtml, encoding = 'utf-8'), 'lxml')
for item in [x.select('a')[0] for x in html.select('dd')]:
title = re.search(r'^(第\d+章)(.*)', item.text.strip())
pageId = item.attrs['href'].replace('/book/56718/', '').replace('.html', '')
catalog['%s %s' % (title[1], title[2].strip())] = pageId
catalog = sorted(catalog.items(), key = lambda d: int(
re.search(r'^第(\d+)章', d[0])[1] # sort by chapter
return {x[0]: x[1] for x in catalog} # formatted output
logger.warning('Fetch catalog of `xswang.com`')