#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Extract data from raw html content. USAGE: python3 extract.py [CATALOG] [HTML_DIR] [OUTPUT_DIR] """ import re import sys import json from logger import logger from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def splitHtml(rawHtml: str) -> dict: # extract from raw html content body = BeautifulSoup(rawHtml, 'lxml').body script = body.select('script')[5].text # js code with chapter info info = { 'title': body.select('div[class="size18 w100 text-center lh100 pt30 pb15"]')[0].text.strip(), 'contents': [x.text.strip() for x in body.select('p[class="content_detail"]')], 'prePage': body.select('div[class="pt-prechapter"]')[0].a.attrs['href'], 'nextPage': body.select('div[class="pt-nextchapter"]')[0].a.attrs['href'], 'preId': re.search(r'window\.__PREVPAGE = "(\d*)"', script)[1], 'nextId': re.search(r'window\.__NEXTPAGE = "(\d*)"', script)[1], 'myId': re.search(r'window\.chapterNum = (\d+)', script)[1], 'caption': re.search(r'window\.chapterName = \'(.+)\'', script)[1], } if not info['title'].startswith(info['caption']): # chapter title should start with caption logger.error('Title error -> %s' % info['caption']) info['index'] = info['title'].replace(info['caption'], '') # remove caption string info.pop('title') return info def combinePage(id: str) -> dict: # combine sub pages page_1 = splitHtml(open('%s/%s-1.html' % (sys.argv[2], id)).read()) page_2 = splitHtml(open('%s/%s-2.html' % (sys.argv[2], id)).read()) # page info check if not page_1['index'] == '[1/2页]' or not page_2['index'] == '[2/2页]': logger.error('Sub page error -> `%s` <-> `%s`' % (page_1['index'], page_2['index'])) if not page_1['caption'] == page_2['caption']: logger.error('Caption error -> `%s` <-> `%s`' % (page_1['caption'], page_2['caption'])) if not page_1['myId'] == page_2['myId']: logger.error('Page ID error -> `%s` <-> `%s`' % (page_1['myId'], page_2['myId'])) if not page_1['preId'] == page_2['preId']: logger.error('Pre page ID error -> `%s` <-> `%s`' % (page_1['preId'], page_2['preId'])) if not page_1['nextId'] == page_2['nextId']: logger.error('Next page ID error -> `%s` <-> `%s`' % (page_1['nextId'], page_2['nextId'])) # check by pre-page and next-page url if not page_1['prePage'] == '/novel/57104/read_%s.html' % page_1['preId']: logger.warning('Page-1 pre url -> `%s` (ID = %s)' % (page_1['prePage'], id)) if not page_1['nextPage'] == '/novel/57104/read_%s/2.html' % page_1['myId']: logger.warning('Page-1 next url -> `%s` (ID = %s)' % (page_1['nextPage'], id)) if not page_2['prePage'] == '/novel/57104/read_%s.html' % page_2['myId']: logger.warning('Page-2 pre url -> `%s` (ID = %s)' % (page_2['prePage'], id)) if not page_2['nextPage'] == '/novel/57104/read_%s.html' % page_2['nextId']: logger.warning('Page-2 next url -> `%s` (ID = %s)' % (page_2['nextPage'], id)) # there are empty links in the first and last page (ignore it) return { # release chapter 'title': page_1['caption'], 'preId': page_1['preId'], 'myId': page_1['myId'], 'nextId': page_1['nextId'], 'contents': page_1['contents'] + page_2['contents'] } catalog = json.loads(open(sys.argv[1]).read()) # load catalog for _, chapterId in catalog.items(): # traverse all chapters logger.info('Analyse chapter `%s`' % chapterId) with open('%s/%s.json' % (sys.argv[3], chapterId), 'w') as fileObj: fileObj.write(json.dumps(combinePage(chapterId)))