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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import json
from Utils.Logger import logger
from Utils.Tester import Settings
from Utils.Process import Process
from Utils.Constant import Plugins
from Utils.Common import genFlag, hostFormat, getAvailablePort
pluginParams = {}
pluginConfig = {
'simple-obfs': {
'http mode': [
'tls mode': [
'http mode (with uri)': [
'http mode (POST method)': [
'simple-tls': {
'http mode': [
'websocket mode': [
'http mode (with mux)': [
'http mode (with auth key)': [
'v2ray': {
'websocket mode': [
'websocket mode (with tls)': [
'websocket mode (with path)': [
'quic mode': [
'xray': {
'websocket mode': [
'websocket mode (with tls)': [
'websocket mode (with path)': [
'quic mode': [
'grpc mode': [
'grpc mode (with tls)': [
'kcptun': {
'basic mode': [
'', '' # aka fast mode
'with nocomp': [
'nocomp', 'nocomp'
'with key': [
'key=${PASSWD}', 'key=${PASSWD}'
'with multi conn': [
'conn=8', 'conn=8'
'gost': {
'ws mode': [
'mws mode': [
'tls mode': [
'mtls mode': [
'xtls mode': [
'h2 mode': [
'wss mode': [
'mwss mode': [
'quic mode': [
'grpc mode': [
'cloak': {},
'go-quiet': {
'chrome fingerprint': [
os.path.join(Settings['workDir'], 'go-quiet_config_${RANDOM}.json'),
'firefox fingerprint': [
os.path.join(Settings['workDir'], 'go-quiet_config_${RANDOM}.json'),
'mos-tls-tunnel': {
'basic mode': [
'basic mode (with mux)': [
'wss mode': [
'wss mode (with path)': [
'wss mode (with mux)': [
'rabbit': {
'basic mode': [
'serviceAddr=${RABBIT_PORT};password=${PASSWD};tunnelN=6' # emulate SIP003 (ipv4 localhost)
'qtun': {
'basic mode': [
'gun': {
'basic mode': [
'basic mode (with tls)': [
def kcptunLoad() -> None:
for kcptunMode in ['fast', 'fast2', 'fast3', 'normal', 'manual']: # traverse kcptun modes
pluginConfig['kcptun'][kcptunMode + ' mode'] = ['mode=' + kcptunMode, 'mode=' + kcptunMode]
for kcptunCrypt in ['aes', 'aes-128', 'aes-192', 'salsa20', 'blowfish',
'twofish', 'cast5', '3des', 'tea', 'xtea', 'xor', 'none']: # traverse kcptun crypt
pluginConfig['kcptun']['with %s crypt' % kcptunCrypt] = ['crypt=' + kcptunCrypt, 'crypt=' + kcptunCrypt]
def cloakLoad() -> None:
ckKey = os.popen('ck-server -key').read() # generate public and private key for cloak
pluginParams['CK_PUBLIC'] ='\s+(\S+)$', ckKey.split('\n')[0])[1]
pluginParams['CK_PRIVATE'] ='\s+(\S+)$', ckKey.split('\n')[1])[1]
pluginParams['CK_UID'] ='\s+(\S+)\n', os.popen('ck-server -uid').read())[1] # generate uid for clock'generate cloak uid -> %s' % pluginParams['CK_UID'])'generate cloak key -> %s (Public) | %s (Private)' % (
pluginParams['CK_PUBLIC'], pluginParams['CK_PRIVATE']
ckPrefix = 'UID=${CK_UID};PublicKey=${CK_PUBLIC};ServerName=${SITE};' # cloak plugin's basic command
ckConfigPath = os.path.join(Settings['workDir'], 'cloak_config_${RANDOM}.json') # clock server's config
for ckMethod in ['plain', 'aes-128-gcm', 'aes-256-gcm', 'chacha20-poly1305']: # traverse cloak encrypt methods
pluginConfig['cloak']['%s method' % ckMethod] = [
ckConfigPath, ckPrefix + 'EncryptionMethod=' + ckMethod
for ckBrowser in ['chrome', 'firefox']: # traverse cloak browser fingerprints
pluginConfig['cloak']['%s fingerprint' % ckBrowser] = [
ckConfigPath, ckPrefix + 'EncryptionMethod=plain;BrowserSig=' + ckBrowser
pluginConfig['cloak']['single connection'] = [ # disable connection multiplexing
ckConfigPath, ckPrefix + 'EncryptionMethod=plain;NumConn=0'
def rabbitShadowsocks(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
ssConfig = json.loads(server.file[0]['content']) # modify origin config
ssConfig.pop('plugin') # remove plugin option
rabbitBind = hostFormat(ssConfig['server'], v6Bracket=True) # ipv4 / [ipv6]
rabbitPort = ssConfig['server_port']
ssConfig['server'] = '' # SIP003 use ipv4 localhost for communication
ssConfig['server_port'] = int(pluginInfo['server']['param']) # aka ${RABBIT_PORT}
server.file[0]['content'] = json.dumps(ssConfig)
server.setCmd(['sh', '-c', paramFill(
'rabbit -mode s -password ${PASSWD} -rabbit-addr %s:%s' % (rabbitBind, rabbitPort) # start rabbit-tcp
) + ' &\nexec ' + ' '.join(server.cmd)]) # shadowsocks as main process (rabbit as sub process)
return server
def rabbitTrojanGo(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
trojanConfig = json.loads(server.file[0]['content']) # modify origin config
rabbitBind = hostFormat(trojanConfig['local_addr'], v6Bracket=True) # ipv4 / [ipv6]
rabbitPort = trojanConfig['local_port']
trojanConfig['local_addr'] = '' # SIP003 use ipv4 localhost for communication
trojanConfig['local_port'] = int(pluginInfo['server']['param']) # aka ${RABBIT_PORT}
trojanConfig['transport_plugin'] = {
'enabled': True,
'type': 'other',
'command': 'rabbit',
'arg': [
'-mode', 's', '-password', paramFill('${PASSWD}'),
'-rabbit-addr', '%s:%s' % (rabbitBind, rabbitPort)
server.file[0]['content'] = json.dumps(trojanConfig)
return server
def inject(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
if pluginInfo['type'] == 'cloak':
ckConfig = paramFill(json.dumps({
'BypassUID': ['${CK_UID}'],
'RedirAddr': '${SITE}',
'PrivateKey': '${CK_PRIVATE}'
server.setFile(server.file + [{ # add cloak config file
'path': pluginInfo['server']['param'],
'content': ckConfig
elif pluginInfo['type'] == 'go-quiet':
server.setFile(server.file + [{ # add gq-quiet config file
'path': pluginInfo['server']['param'],
'content': paramFill(json.dumps({'key': '${PASSWD}'}))
return server
def ssInject(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
if pluginInfo['type'] == 'rabbit': # hijack rabbit plugin config
return rabbitShadowsocks(server, pluginInfo)
return inject(server, pluginInfo)
def trojanInject(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
if pluginInfo['type'] == 'rabbit': # hijack rabbit plugin config
return rabbitTrojanGo(server, pluginInfo)
return inject(server, pluginInfo)
def paramFill(param: str) -> str:
for field in pluginParams:
param = param.replace('${%s}' % field, pluginParams[field]) # fill ${XXX} field
return param
def load(proxyType: str) -> list:
if proxyType not in ['ss', 'trojan-go']:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown proxy type for sip003 plugin')
'SITE': Settings['site'],
'HOST': Settings['host'],
'CERT': Settings['cert'],
'KEY': Settings['key'],
'PASSWD': genFlag(length = 8), # random password for test
'PATH': '/' + genFlag(length = 6), # random uri path for test
result = []
cloakLoad() # init cloak config
kcptunLoad() # init kcptun config
for pluginType in pluginConfig:
for pluginTest, pluginTestInfo in pluginConfig[pluginType].items(): # traverse all plugin test item
pluginParams['RANDOM'] = genFlag(length = 8) # refresh RANDOM field
pluginParams['RABBIT_PORT'] = str(getAvailablePort()) # allocate port before rabbit plugin start
'type': pluginType,
'caption': pluginTest,
'server': { # plugin info for server
'type': Plugins[pluginType]['server'],
'param': paramFill(pluginTestInfo[0]),
'client': { # plugin info for client
'type': Plugins[pluginType]['client'],
'param': paramFill(pluginTestInfo[1]),
'inject': ssInject if proxyType == 'ss' else trojanInject # for some special plugins
return result