Browse Source

update: remove shadowsocks-libev legacy (aka `v2.6.3`)

dnomd343 2 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 10
  4. 47
  5. 24
  6. 64


@ -1,2 +1,3 @@


@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import logging
from colorlog import ColoredFormatter
logFile = 'runtime.log'
logLevel = logging.DEBUG
# logLevel = logging.WARNING
# logLevel = logging.DEBUG
logLevel = logging.WARNING
dateFormat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
logFormat = '[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(module)s.%(funcName)s)'


@ -49,14 +49,6 @@ ssMethods = { # methods support of different Shadowsocks project
'salsa20', 'chacha20', 'xchacha20', 'chacha20-ietf', 'chacha20-poly1305',
'chacha20-ietf-poly1305', 'xchacha20-ietf-poly1305',
'ss-libev-legacy': [
'table', 'rc4', 'rc4-md5',
'aes-128-ctr', 'aes-192-ctr', 'aes-256-ctr',
'aes-128-cfb', 'aes-192-cfb', 'aes-256-cfb',
'camellia-128-cfb', 'camellia-192-cfb', 'camellia-256-cfb',
'rc2-cfb', 'bf-cfb', 'cast5-cfb', 'des-cfb', 'idea-cfb', 'seed-cfb',
'salsa20', 'chacha20', 'chacha20-ietf',
'ss-python-legacy': [
'table', 'rc4', 'rc4-md5',
'aes-128-ctr', 'aes-192-ctr', 'aes-256-ctr',
@ -72,4 +64,4 @@ ssMethods = { # methods support of different Shadowsocks project
ssAllMethods = set()
[ssAllMethods.update(ssMethods[x]) for x in ssMethods]
ssMethods['all'] = list(ssAllMethods)
ssAllMethods = list(ssAllMethods)


@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
from Basis.Methods import ssMethods
from Basis.Methods import ssMethods, ssAllMethods
def loadConfig(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict) -> dict: # load basic config option
@ -29,21 +29,21 @@ def pluginUdp(plugin: str, pluginParam: str) -> bool: # whether the plugin uses
return True # UDP is assumed by default
def ssRust(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, isUdp: bool, isLegacy: bool = False) -> tuple[dict, list]:
def ssRust(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, isUdp: bool) -> tuple[dict, list]:
config = loadConfig(proxyInfo, socksInfo)
if isUdp: # Proxy UDP traffic
if isUdp: # proxy UDP traffic
config['mode'] = 'tcp_and_udp'
return config, ['ss-rust-local', '-v']
def ssLibev(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, isUdp: bool, isLegacy: bool = False) -> tuple[dict, list]:
def ssLibev(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, isUdp: bool) -> tuple[dict, list]:
config = loadConfig(proxyInfo, socksInfo)
if isUdp: # Proxy UDP traffic
if isUdp: # proxy UDP traffic
config['mode'] = 'tcp_and_udp'
return config, ['ss-libev-legacy-local' if isLegacy else 'ss-libev-local', '-v']
return config, ['ss-libev-local', '-v']
def ssPython(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, isUdp: bool, isLegacy: bool = False) -> tuple[dict, list]:
def ssPython(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, isUdp: bool) -> tuple[dict, list]:
config = loadConfig(proxyInfo, socksInfo)
mbedtlsMethods = [
@ -53,32 +53,41 @@ def ssPython(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, isUdp: bool, isLegacy: bool = Fal
if not isLegacy: # only for latest version
if config['method'] in mbedtlsMethods: # mbedtls methods should use prefix `mbedtls:`
config['method'] = 'mbedtls:' + config['method']
if config['method'] in ['idea-cfb', 'seed-cfb']: # Only older versions of openssl are supported
if config['method'] in ['idea-cfb', 'seed-cfb']: # only older versions of openssl are supported
config['extra_opts'] = ''
if not isUdp:
config['no_udp'] = True # UDP traffic is not proxied
config['shadowsocks'] = 'ss-python-legacy-local' if isLegacy else 'ss-python-local'
config['shadowsocks'] = 'ss-python-local'
return config, ['ss-bootstrap-local', '--debug', '-vv']
def load(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, configFile: str) -> tuple[list, str, None]:
def ssPythonLegacy(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, isUdp: bool) -> tuple[dict, list]:
config = loadConfig(proxyInfo, socksInfo)
if not isUdp:
config['no_udp'] = True # UDP traffic is not proxied
config['shadowsocks'] = 'ss-python-legacy-local'
return config, ['ss-bootstrap-local', '--debug', '-vv']
def load(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, configFile: str) -> tuple[list, str, dict]:
if proxyInfo['plugin'] is None: # UDP is enabled when server without plugin
isUdp = True
isUdp = not pluginUdp( # check the UDP conflict status of plugins
proxyInfo['plugin']['type'], proxyInfo['plugin']['param']
if proxyInfo['method'] not in ssMethods['all']: # unknown shadowsocks method
if proxyInfo['method'] not in ssAllMethods: # unknown shadowsocks method
raise RuntimeError('Unknown shadowsocks method')
for client in ssMethods: # traverse all shadowsocks client
if proxyInfo['method'] not in ssMethods[client] or client != 'all':
if proxyInfo['method'] not in ssMethods[client]:
ssLoadConfig = None
if 'rust' in client: ssLoadConfig = ssRust
if 'libev' in client: ssLoadConfig = ssLibev
if 'python' in client: ssLoadConfig = ssPython
ssConfig, ssClient = ssLoadConfig(proxyInfo, socksInfo, isUdp, 'legacy' in client) # generate config file
return ssClient + ['-c', configFile], json.dumps(ssConfig), None # tuple[command, fileContent, envVar]
ssLoadConfig = {
'ss-rust': ssRust,
'ss-libev': ssLibev,
'ss-python': ssPython,
'ss-python-legacy': ssPythonLegacy
ssConfig, ssClient = ssLoadConfig(proxyInfo, socksInfo, isUdp) # generate config file
return ssClient + ['-c', configFile], json.dumps(ssConfig), {} # tuple[command, fileContent, envVar]


@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
FROM alpine:3.16.0 AS ss-libev
ENV SS_LIBEV="3.3.5"
# Source code downloads and dependent installations
apk add asciidoc build-base c-ares-dev libev-dev libsodium-dev linux-headers mbedtls-dev pcre-dev udns-dev xmlto zlib-dev && \
apk add asciidoc build-base c-ares-dev libev-dev libsodium-dev linux-headers mbedtls-dev pcre-dev xmlto && \
wget$SS_LIBEV/shadowsocks-libev-$SS_LIBEV.tar.gz && \
wget$SS_LIBEV_LEGACY/shadowsocks-libev-$SS_LIBEV_LEGACY.tar.gz && \
wget && \
ls ./*.tar.gz | xargs -n1 tar xf && \
mkdir -p /tmp/release/ && \
# Compile shadowsocks-libev (latest version)
# Compile shadowsocks-libev
cd ./shadowsocks-libev-$SS_LIBEV/ && \
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install && \
mv /usr/bin/ss-local /tmp/release/ss-libev-local && \
@ -19,15 +17,7 @@ RUN \
# Compile and install openssl (version 1.0.2u)
cd ../openssl-1.0.2u/ && \
./config --shared --prefix=/usr && make && make install && \
cp /usr/lib/ /tmp/release/ && \
# Compile shadowsocks-libev (legacy version)
cd ../shadowsocks-libev-$SS_LIBEV_LEGACY/ && \
sed -i '/ss-nat/d' `grep "ss-nat" -rl src/*` && \
sed -i 's/^const protocol_t/extern const protocol_t/g' `grep "^const protocol" -rl src/*.h` && \
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install && \
mv /usr/bin/ss-local /tmp/release/ss-libev-legacy-local && \
mv /usr/bin/ss-server /tmp/release/ss-libev-legacy-server
cp /usr/lib/ /tmp/release/
FROM rust:1.62.0-alpine3.16 AS ss-rust
ENV SS_RUST="v1.15.0-alpha.5"
@ -77,7 +67,7 @@ RUN \
# Package shadowsocks-python (legacy version)
cd ../../shadowsocks-$SS_PYTHON_LEGACY/ && \
sed -i 's/MutableMapping/abc.MutableMapping/' ./shadowsocks/ && \
sed -i "s/find_library(p)/''/g" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \
sed -i "s/find_library(p)/''/g" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \
sed -i "s/find_library(p)/''/g" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \
python3 build && cd ./build/ && mv ./lib/ ./ss-python-legacy/ && \
mv ./ss-python-legacy/shadowsocks/ ./ss-python-legacy/shadowsocks/ ./ss-python-legacy/ && \
@ -119,11 +109,11 @@ RUN \
FROM python:3.10.5-alpine3.16
COPY --from=asset /asset /
apk add --no-cache c-ares glib libev libsodium mbedtls pcre udns
apk add --no-cache c-ares glib libev libsodium mbedtls pcre && \
pip3 --no-cache-dir install pysocks
# ss-libev-server --help
# ss-libev-local --help
# ss-libev-legacy-server --help
# ss-libev-legacy-local --help
# ss-rust-server --help
# ss-rust-local --help
# ss-bootstrap-server --help


@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ def loadConfig(serverPort: int, method: str) -> dict: # load basic config optio
return config
def ssRust(serverPort: int, method: str, isLegacy: bool = False) -> tuple[dict, list]:
def ssRust(serverPort: int, method: str) -> tuple[dict, list]:
config = loadConfig(serverPort, method)
return config, ['ss-rust-server', '-v']
def ssLibev(serverPort: int, method: str, isLegacy: bool = False) -> tuple[dict, list]:
def ssLibev(serverPort: int, method: str) -> tuple[dict, list]:
config = loadConfig(serverPort, method)
return config, ['ss-libev-legacy-server' if isLegacy else 'ss-libev-server', '-v']
return config, ['ss-libev-server', '-v']
def ssPython(serverPort: int, method: str, isLegacy: bool = False) -> tuple[dict, list]:
def ssPython(serverPort: int, method: str) -> tuple[dict, list]:
config = loadConfig(serverPort, method)
mbedtlsMethods = [
@ -43,12 +43,17 @@ def ssPython(serverPort: int, method: str, isLegacy: bool = False) -> tuple[dict
if not isLegacy: # only for latest version
if config['method'] in mbedtlsMethods: # mbedtls methods should use prefix `mbedtls:`
config['method'] = 'mbedtls:' + config['method']
if config['method'] in ['idea-cfb', 'seed-cfb']: # Only older versions of openssl are supported
config['extra_opts'] = ''
config['shadowsocks'] = 'ss-python-legacy-server' if isLegacy else 'ss-python-server'
config['shadowsocks'] = 'ss-python-server'
return config, ['ss-bootstrap-server', '--debug', '-vv']
def ssPythonLegacy(serverPort: int, method: str) -> tuple[dict, list]:
config = loadConfig(serverPort, method)
config['shadowsocks'] = 'ss-python-legacy-server'
return config, ['ss-bootstrap-server', '--debug', '-vv']
@ -76,21 +81,25 @@ def loadTest(serverType: str, clientType: str, method: str, timeout: float) -> N
'addr': '',
'port': socksPort
ssClientLoad = None
if 'rust' in clientType: ssClientLoad = Shadowsocks.ssRust
if 'libev' in clientType: ssClientLoad = Shadowsocks.ssLibev
if 'python' in clientType: ssClientLoad = Shadowsocks.ssPython
ssConfig, ssClient = ssClientLoad(proxyInfo, socksInfo, isUdp = False, isLegacy = 'legacy' in clientType)
ssClientLoad = {
'ss-rust': Shadowsocks.ssRust,
'ss-libev': Shadowsocks.ssLibev,
'ss-python': Shadowsocks.ssPython,
'ss-python-legacy': Shadowsocks.ssPythonLegacy
ssConfig, ssClient = ssClientLoad(proxyInfo, socksInfo, isUdp = False)
client = Process(workDir, cmd = ssClient + ['-c', os.path.join(workDir, title + '_client.json')], file = {
'path': os.path.join(workDir, title + '_client.json'),
'content': json.dumps(ssConfig)
}, isStart = False)
ssServerLoad = None
if 'rust' in serverType: ssServerLoad = ssRust
if 'libev' in serverType: ssServerLoad = ssLibev
if 'python' in serverType: ssServerLoad = ssPython
ssConfig, ssServer = ssServerLoad(serverPort, method, 'legacy' in serverType)
ssServerLoad = {
'ss-rust': ssRust,
'ss-libev': ssLibev,
'ss-python': ssPython,
'ss-python-legacy': ssPythonLegacy
ssConfig, ssServer = ssServerLoad(serverPort, method)
server = Process(workDir, cmd = ssServer + ['-c', os.path.join(workDir, title + '_server.json')], file = {
'path': os.path.join(workDir, title + '_server.json'),
'content': json.dumps(ssConfig)
@ -103,7 +112,6 @@ def loadTest(serverType: str, clientType: str, method: str, timeout: float) -> N
request = requests.get(
# '',
proxies = {
'http': 'socks5://' % socksPort,
'https': 'socks5://' % socksPort
@ -125,26 +133,28 @@ def loadTest(serverType: str, clientType: str, method: str, timeout: float) -> N
def test_1() -> None:
for ssType in ssMethods:
if ssType == 'all': continue
for method in ssMethods[ssType]:
loadTest(ssType, ssType, method, 0.3)
timeout = 0.1
if 'python' in ssType: timeout = 0.3
if 'python-legacy' in ssType:
timeout = 0.8
if method == 'table' or method == 'salsa20-ctr': timeout = 2
loadTest(ssType, ssType, method, timeout)
def test_2() -> None:
for ssServer in ssMethods:
if ssServer == 'all': continue
for method in ssMethods[ssServer]:
for ssClient in ssMethods:
if ssClient == 'all': continue
if method not in ssMethods[ssClient]: continue
timeout = 0.1
if 'python' in ssServer or 'python' in ssClient:
timeout = 0.3
if method == 'table':
timeout = 0.8
if 'python' in ssServer or 'python' in ssClient: timeout = 0.3
if method == 'table': timeout = 0.8
if 'python-legacy' in ssServer or 'python-legacy' in ssClient: timeout = 1
if method == 'salsa20-ctr': timeout = 3
loadTest(ssServer, ssClient, method, timeout)
# test_1()
# test_2()
loadTest('ss-rust', 'ss-python', 'table', 1)
# loadTest('ss-python-legacy', 'ss-python-legacy', 'salsa20-ctr', 3)
