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update: xtls params support

dnomd343 2 years ago
  1. 116
  2. 84
  3. 4


@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Utils.Logger import logger
from Utils.Exception import decodeException
from Utils.Common import splitParam, splitEdParam
def tlsSecure(params: dict) -> dict or None:
if params['security'] == 'tls':
return {
'sni': params['sni'] if 'sni' in params else '', # sni option
'alpn': params['alpn'] if 'alpn' in params and params['alpn'] != '' else None # alpn option
elif params['security'] in ['', 'none']:
return None
logger.error('V2ray url with unknown secure type -> %s' % params['security'])
raise decodeException('Unknown v2ray secure type')
def xtlsSecure(params: dict) -> dict or None:
if params['security'] in ['tls', 'xtls']:
secure = {
'type': params['security'],
'sni': params['sni'] if 'sni' in params else '', # sni option
'alpn': params['alpn'] if 'alpn' in params and params['alpn'] != '' else None # alpn option
if params['security'] == 'xtls' and 'flow' in params: # XTLS flow
if 'origin' in params['flow']:
secure['flow'] = 'xtls-origin'
elif 'direct' in params['flow']:
secure['flow'] = 'xtls-direct'
elif 'splice' in params['flow']:
secure['flow'] = 'xtls-splice'
logger.error('XTLS with unknown flow type -> %s' % params['flow'])
raise decodeException('Unknown xtls flow type')
return secure
elif params['security'] in ['', 'none']:
return None
logger.error('V2ray url with unknown secure type -> %s' % params['security'])
raise decodeException('Unknown v2ray secure type')
def v2ray(url: str, isXtls: bool) -> dict: # include VMess and VLESS
FORMAT: scheme://UUID@server:port?fields#remark
scheme -> vmess / vless
type -> tcp / kcp / ws / http / quic / grpc
encryption -> auto / aes-128-gcm / chacha20-poly1305 (VMess)
-> none (VLESS)
security -> none / tls / xtls (VMess without xtls)
path -> WebSocket / HTTP/2 / http obfs
host -> WebSocket / HTTP/2 / http obfs
headerType -> mKCP / QUIC UDP obfs -> none / srtp / utp / wechat-video / dtls / wireguard
-> TCP (http obfs) -> http
serviceName -> gRPC Service Name
mode -> gRPC transport mode -> gun / multi / guna
sni -> TLS / XTLS SNI (VMess without XTLS)
alpn -> TLS / XTLS ALPN (VMess without XTLS)
flow -> XTLS flow type -> xtls-rprx-origin / xtls-rprx-direct / xtls-rprx-splice (VMess without xtls)
params = ''
if '?' in url:
url, params = url.replace('/?', '?').split('?') # `.../?...` or `...?...`
params = splitParam(params)
info = {}
info['id'], url = url.rsplit('@', 1)
info['server'], info['port'] = url.rsplit(':', 1)
if 'encryption' in params:
info['method'] = params['encryption']
stream = {
'type': params['type'] if 'type' in params else 'tcp' # stream type (default = tcp)
stream['type'] = 'h2' if stream['type'] == 'http' else stream['type'] # http -> h2
if stream['type'] == 'tcp':
if 'headerType' in params and params['headerType'] == 'http':
stream['obfs'] = {
'host': params['host'] if 'host' in params else '',
'path': params['path'] if 'path' in params else '/',
elif stream['type'] == 'kcp':
stream['obfs'] = params['headerType'] if 'headerType' in params else 'none'
stream['seed'] = params['seed'] if 'seed' in params else None
elif stream['type'] == 'ws':
stream['host'] = params['host'] if 'host' in params else ''
if 'path' in params:
stream['path'], stream['ed'] = splitEdParam(params['path'])
stream['path'] = params['path']
elif stream['type'] == 'h2':
stream['host'] = params['host'] if 'host' in params else ''
stream['path'] = params['path'] if 'path' in params else '/'
elif stream['type'] == 'quic':
stream['obfs'] = params['headerType'] if 'headerType' in params else 'none'
stream['method'] = params['quicSecurity'] if 'quicSecurity' in params else 'none'
stream['passwd'] = params['key'] if 'key' in params else ''
elif stream['type'] == 'grpc':
stream['service'] = params['serviceName']
stream['mode'] = 'multi' if 'mode' in params and params['mode'] == 'multi' else 'gun'
logger.error('V2ray url with unknown network type -> %s' % stream['type'])
raise decodeException('Unknown v2ray network type')
if 'security' in params: # enable TLS / XTLS
if not isXtls:
stream['secure'] = tlsSecure(params)
stream['secure'] = xtlsSecure(params)
info['stream'] = stream
return info


@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# VMess / VLESS:
# V2rayN:
import json import json
from Utils.Logger import logger from Utils.Logger import logger
from Utils.Exception import decodeException from Utils.Exception import decodeException
from Utils.Common import b64Decode, checkScheme from Utils.Common import b64Decode, checkScheme
from Utils.Common import hostFormat, splitTag, splitEdParam, splitParam from Utils.Common import hostFormat, splitTag, splitEdParam, splitParam
from Decoder.V2ray import v2ray
def v2rayN(url: str) -> dict: def v2rayN(url: str) -> dict:
""" """
fields => v(=2) / ps / add / port / id / aid / scy / net / type / host / path / tls / sni / alpn fields => v(=2) / ps / add / port / id / aid / scy / net / type / host / path / tls / sni / alpn
""" """
@ -79,80 +80,15 @@ def v2rayN(url: str) -> dict:
def vmess(url: str) -> dict: def vmess(url: str) -> dict:
""" """
FORMAT: vmess://UUID@server:port?fields#remark
type -> tcp / kcp / ws / http / quic / grpc
encryption -> auto / aes-128-gcm / chacha20-poly1305 FORMAT: aka Decoder.V2ray
security -> none / tls
path -> WebSocket / HTTP/2 / http obfs
host -> WebSocket / HTTP/2 / http obfs
headerType -> mKCP / QUIC UDP obfs -> none / srtp / utp / wechat-video / dtls / wireguard
-> TCP (http obfs) -> http
seed -> mKCP seed
quicSecurity -> QUIC method
key -> QUIC key
serviceName -> gRPC Service Name
mode -> gRPC transport mode -> gun / multi / guna
sni -> TLS SNI
alpn -> TLS ALPN
""" """
config = { config = {
'type': 'vmess', 'type': 'vmess'
'info': {}
} }
info = config['info']
logger.debug('VMess url decode -> %s' % url) logger.debug('VMess url decode -> %s' % url)
url, config['name'] = splitTag(checkScheme(url, 'vmess', 'VMess')) url, config['name'] = splitTag(checkScheme(url, 'vmess', 'VMess'))
config['info'] = v2ray(url, isXtls = False)
params = '' logger.debug('VMess url release -> %s' % config)
if '?' in url:
url, params = url.replace('/?', '?').split('?') # `.../?...` or `...?...`
params = splitParam(params)
config['info']['id'], url = url.rsplit('@', 1)
config['info']['server'], config['info']['port'] = url.rsplit(':', 1)
# split params
if 'encryption' in params:
info['method'] = params['encryption']
stream = {
'type': params['type'] if 'type' in params else 'tcp' # stream type (default = tcp)
stream['type'] = 'h2' if stream['type'] == 'http' else stream['type'] # http -> h2
if stream['type'] == 'tcp':
if 'headerType' in params and params['headerType'] == 'http':
stream['obfs'] = {
'host': params['host'] if 'host' in params else '',
'path': params['path'] if 'path' in params else '/',
elif stream['type'] == 'kcp':
stream['obfs'] = params['headerType'] if 'headerType' in params else 'none'
stream['seed'] = params['seed'] if 'seed' in params else None
elif stream['type'] == 'ws':
stream['host'] = params['host'] if 'host' in params else ''
if 'path' in params:
stream['path'], stream['ed'] = splitEdParam(params['path'])
stream['path'] = params['path']
elif stream['type'] == 'h2':
stream['host'] = params['host'] if 'host' in params else ''
stream['path'] = params['path'] if 'path' in params else '/'
elif stream['type'] == 'quic':
stream['obfs'] = params['headerType'] if 'headerType' in params else 'none'
stream['method'] = params['quicSecurity'] if 'quicSecurity' in params else 'none'
stream['passwd'] = params['key'] if 'key' in params else ''
elif stream['type'] == 'grpc':
stream['service'] = params['serviceName']
stream['mode'] = 'multi' if 'mode' in params and params['mode'] == 'multi' else 'gun'
logger.error('VMess url with unknown network type -> %s' % stream['type'])
raise decodeException('Unknown vmess network type')
if 'security' in params and params['security'] == 'tls': # enable TLS
stream['secure'] = {
'sni': params['sni'] if 'sni' in params else '', # sni option
'alpn': params['alpn'] if 'alpn' in params and params['alpn'] != '' else None # alpn option
config['info']['stream'] = stream
return config return config


@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ from Filter import Filter
# ret = Decoder.v2rayN('vmess://eyJhZGQiOiJmbnlkdXpheW92dnNxaTMyZ2kucTc1NDMudG9wIiwicHMiOiJ2MXzpppnmuK8wM3zljp_nlJ984piF4piF4piFICgyKSIsInNjeSI6ImF1dG8iLCJ0eXBlIjoiaHR0cCIsInNuaSI6IiIsInBhdGgiOiIvIiwicG9ydCI6MzgzMzcsInYiOjIsImhvc3QiOiJ4aGY0eHE3ZDVjYjRnc3kzeW1teWR3b2kuc2luYS5jbiIsInRscyI6IiIsImlkIjoiOTAxY2UyNTUtOTM2OS1kMWUyLTk1ODQtZGE1YTdqZjA1NDdrIiwibmV0IjoidGNwIiwiYWlkIjowfQ') # ret = Decoder.v2rayN('vmess://eyJhZGQiOiJmbnlkdXpheW92dnNxaTMyZ2kucTc1NDMudG9wIiwicHMiOiJ2MXzpppnmuK8wM3zljp_nlJ984piF4piF4piFICgyKSIsInNjeSI6ImF1dG8iLCJ0eXBlIjoiaHR0cCIsInNuaSI6IiIsInBhdGgiOiIvIiwicG9ydCI6MzgzMzcsInYiOjIsImhvc3QiOiJ4aGY0eHE3ZDVjYjRnc3kzeW1teWR3b2kuc2luYS5jbiIsInRscyI6IiIsImlkIjoiOTAxY2UyNTUtOTM2OS1kMWUyLTk1ODQtZGE1YTdqZjA1NDdrIiwibmV0IjoidGNwIiwiYWlkIjowfQ')
# ret = Decoder.v2rayN('vmess://ew0KICAidiI6ICIyIiwNCiAgInBzIjogIummmea4rzLnur8iLA0KICAiYWRkIjogIjExOS4yOC44OC4yMzAiLA0KICAicG9ydCI6ICI0NDMiLA0KICAiaWQiOiAiODRhOGU2ZDItMWFkMy00NjEyLTgzNjItYTdjMjNlOWU5MzEyIiwNCiAgImFpZCI6ICIwIiwNCiAgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwNCiAgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsDQogICJ0eXBlIjogIm5vbmUiLA0KICAiaG9zdCI6ICJ0ZXN0LnNjdXRyb2JvdC5jb20iLA0KICAicGF0aCI6ICIvdm1lc3M/ZGVtbz10cnVlJmVkPTIwNDgmdGVzdD1vayIsDQogICJ0bHMiOiAidGxzIiwNCiAgInNuaSI6ICJoay5zY3V0cm9ib3QuY29tIiwNCiAgImFscG4iOiAiIg0KfQ==') # ret = Decoder.v2rayN('vmess://ew0KICAidiI6ICIyIiwNCiAgInBzIjogIummmea4rzLnur8iLA0KICAiYWRkIjogIjExOS4yOC44OC4yMzAiLA0KICAicG9ydCI6ICI0NDMiLA0KICAiaWQiOiAiODRhOGU2ZDItMWFkMy00NjEyLTgzNjItYTdjMjNlOWU5MzEyIiwNCiAgImFpZCI6ICIwIiwNCiAgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwNCiAgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsDQogICJ0eXBlIjogIm5vbmUiLA0KICAiaG9zdCI6ICJ0ZXN0LnNjdXRyb2JvdC5jb20iLA0KICAicGF0aCI6ICIvdm1lc3M/ZGVtbz10cnVlJmVkPTIwNDgmdGVzdD1vayIsDQogICJ0bHMiOiAidGxzIiwNCiAgInNuaSI6ICJoay5zY3V0cm9ib3QuY29tIiwNCiAgImFscG4iOiAiIg0KfQ==')
ret = Decoder.vmess('vmess://') # ret = Decoder.vmess('vmess://')
ret = Decoder.vmess('vmess://5f50d808-8281-45d9-a0c2-69e039099da7@')
# ret['info']['server'] = '[%s]' % ret['info']['server'] # ret['info']['server'] = '[%s]' % ret['info']['server']
ret['info'] = Filter(ret['type'], ret['info']) ret['info'] = Filter(ret['type'], ret['info'])
