@ -21,353 +21,40 @@ |
from __future__ import with_statement |
import sys |
if sys.version_info < (2, 6): |
import simplejson as json |
else: |
import json |
try: |
import gevent |
import gevent.monkey |
gevent.monkey.patch_all(dns=gevent.version_info[0] >= 1) |
except ImportError: |
gevent = None |
print >>sys.stderr, 'warning: gevent not found, using threading instead' |
import socket |
import eventloop |
import errno |
import select |
import SocketServer |
import struct |
import os |
import random |
import re |
import logging |
import getopt |
import encrypt |
import utils |
import tcprelay |
import udprelay |
MSG_FASTOPEN = 0x20000000 |
def send_all(sock, data): |
bytes_sent = 0 |
while True: |
r = sock.send(data[bytes_sent:]) |
if r < 0: |
return r |
bytes_sent += r |
if bytes_sent == len(data): |
return bytes_sent |
class ThreadingTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer): |
allow_reuse_address = True |
def get_request(self): |
connection = self.socket.accept() |
connection[0].settimeout(config_timeout) |
return connection |
class Socks5Server(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): |
@staticmethod |
def get_server(): |
a_port = config_server_port |
a_server = config_server |
if isinstance(config_server_port, list): |
# support config like "server_port": [8081, 8082] |
a_port = random.choice(config_server_port) |
if isinstance(config_server, list): |
# support config like "server": ["", ""] |
a_server = random.choice(config_server) |
r = re.match(r'^(.*):(\d+)$', a_server) |
if r: |
# support config like "server": "" |
# or "server": ["", ""] |
a_server = r.group(1) |
a_port = int(r.group(2)) |
return a_server, a_port |
@staticmethod |
def handle_tcp(sock, remote, encryptor, pending_data=None, |
server=None, port=None): |
connected = False |
try: |
if config_fast_open: |
fdset = [sock] |
else: |
fdset = [sock, remote] |
while True: |
should_break = False |
r, w, e = select.select(fdset, [], [], config_timeout) |
if not r: |
logging.warn('read time out') |
break |
if sock in r: |
if not connected and config_fast_open: |
data = sock.recv(4096) |
data = encryptor.encrypt(pending_data + data) |
pending_data = None |
logging.info('fast open %s:%d' % (server, port)) |
try: |
remote.sendto(data, MSG_FASTOPEN, (server, port)) |
except (OSError, IOError) as e: |
if eventloop.errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EINPROGRESS: |
pass |
else: |
raise e |
connected = True |
fdset = [sock, remote] |
else: |
data = sock.recv(4096) |
if pending_data: |
data = pending_data + data |
pending_data = None |
data = encryptor.encrypt(data) |
if len(data) <= 0: |
should_break = True |
else: |
result = send_all(remote, data) |
if result < len(data): |
raise Exception('failed to send all data') |
if remote in r: |
data = encryptor.decrypt(remote.recv(4096)) |
if len(data) <= 0: |
should_break = True |
else: |
result = send_all(sock, data) |
if result < len(data): |
raise Exception('failed to send all data') |
if should_break: |
# make sure all data are read before we close the sockets |
# TODO: we haven't read ALL the data, actually |
# http://cs.ecs.baylor.edu/~donahoo/practical/CSockets/TCPRST.pdf |
break |
finally: |
sock.close() |
remote.close() |
def handle(self): |
try: |
encryptor = encrypt.Encryptor(config_password, config_method) |
sock = self.connection |
sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) |
data = sock.recv(262) |
if not data: |
sock.close() |
return |
if len(data) < 3: |
return |
method = ord(data[2]) |
if method == 2: |
logging.warn('client tries to use username/password auth, prete' |
'nding the password is OK') |
sock.send('\x05\x02') |
try: |
ver_ulen = sock.recv(2) |
ulen = ord(ver_ulen[1]) |
if ulen: |
username = sock.recv(ulen) |
assert(ulen == len(username)) |
plen = ord(sock.recv(1)) |
if plen: |
_password = sock.recv(plen) |
assert(plen == len(_password)) |
sock.send('\x01\x00') |
except Exception as e: |
logging.error(e) |
return |
elif method == 0: |
sock.send("\x05\x00") |
else: |
logging.error('unsupported method %d' % method) |
return |
data = self.rfile.read(4) or '\x00' * 4 |
mode = ord(data[1]) |
if mode == 1: |
pass |
elif mode == 3: |
# UDP |
logging.debug('UDP assc request') |
if sock.family == socket.AF_INET6: |
header = '\x05\x00\x00\x04' |
else: |
header = '\x05\x00\x00\x01' |
addr, port = sock.getsockname() |
addr_to_send = socket.inet_pton(sock.family, addr) |
port_to_send = struct.pack('>H', port) |
sock.send(header + addr_to_send + port_to_send) |
while True: |
data = sock.recv(4096) |
if not data: |
break |
return |
else: |
logging.warn('unknown mode %d' % mode) |
return |
addrtype = ord(data[3]) |
addr_to_send = data[3] |
if addrtype == 1: |
addr_ip = self.rfile.read(4) |
addr = socket.inet_ntoa(addr_ip) |
addr_to_send += addr_ip |
elif addrtype == 3: |
addr_len = self.rfile.read(1) |
addr = self.rfile.read(ord(addr_len)) |
addr_to_send += addr_len + addr |
elif addrtype == 4: |
addr_ip = self.rfile.read(16) |
addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, addr_ip) |
addr_to_send += addr_ip |
else: |
logging.warn('addr_type not supported') |
# not supported |
return |
addr_port = self.rfile.read(2) |
addr_to_send += addr_port |
port = struct.unpack('>H', addr_port) |
try: |
reply = "\x05\x00\x00\x01" |
reply += socket.inet_aton('') + struct.pack(">H", 2222) |
self.wfile.write(reply) |
# reply immediately |
a_server, a_port = Socks5Server.get_server() |
addrs = socket.getaddrinfo(a_server, a_port) |
if addrs: |
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = addrs[0] |
if config_fast_open: |
remote = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) |
remote.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, |
socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) |
Socks5Server.handle_tcp(sock, remote, encryptor, |
addr_to_send, a_server, a_port) |
else: |
logging.info('connecting %s:%d' % (addr, port[0])) |
remote = socket.create_connection((a_server, a_port), |
timeout=config_timeout) |
remote.settimeout(config_timeout) |
remote.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, |
socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) |
Socks5Server.handle_tcp(sock, remote, encryptor, |
addr_to_send) |
except (OSError, IOError) as e: |
logging.warn(e) |
return |
except (OSError, IOError) as e: |
raise e |
logging.warn(e) |
def main(): |
global config_server, config_server_port, config_password, config_method,\ |
config_fast_open, config_timeout |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, |
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', |
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', filemode='a+') |
utils.check_python() |
# fix py2exe |
if hasattr(sys, "frozen") and sys.frozen in \ |
("windows_exe", "console_exe"): |
p = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.executable)) |
os.chdir(p) |
version = '' |
try: |
import pkg_resources |
version = pkg_resources.get_distribution('shadowsocks').version |
except: |
pass |
print 'shadowsocks %s' % version |
config_password = None |
config_method = None |
utils.print_shadowsocks() |
config_path = utils.find_config() |
try: |
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 's:b:p:k:l:m:c:t:', |
['fast-open']) |
for key, value in optlist: |
if key == '-c': |
config_path = value |
config = utils.get_config(True) |
if config_path: |
logging.info('loading config from %s' % config_path) |
with open(config_path, 'rb') as f: |
try: |
config = json.load(f) |
except ValueError as e: |
logging.error('found an error in config.json: %s', |
e.message) |
sys.exit(1) |
else: |
config = {} |
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 's:b:p:k:l:m:c:t:', |
['fast-open']) |
for key, value in optlist: |
if key == '-p': |
config['server_port'] = int(value) |
elif key == '-k': |
config['password'] = value |
elif key == '-l': |
config['local_port'] = int(value) |
elif key == '-s': |
config['server'] = value |
elif key == '-m': |
config['method'] = value |
elif key == '-b': |
config['local_address'] = value |
elif key == '--fast-open': |
config['fast_open'] = True |
except getopt.GetoptError as e: |
logging.error(e) |
utils.print_local_help() |
sys.exit(2) |
config_server = config['server'] |
config_server_port = config['server_port'] |
config_local_port = config['local_port'] |
config_password = config['password'] |
config_method = config.get('method', None) |
config_local_address = config.get('local_address', '') |
config_timeout = int(config.get('timeout', 300)) |
config_fast_open = config.get('fast_open', False) |
if not config_password and not config_path: |
sys.exit('config not specified, please read ' |
'https://github.com/clowwindy/shadowsocks') |
encrypt.init_table(config['password'], config['method']) |
utils.check_config(config) |
encrypt.init_table(config_password, config_method) |
addrs = socket.getaddrinfo(config_local_address, config_local_port) |
if not addrs: |
logging.error('cant resolve listen address') |
sys.exit(1) |
ThreadingTCPServer.address_family = addrs[0][0] |
try: |
udprelay.UDPRelay(config_local_address, int(config_local_port), |
config_server, config_server_port, config_password, |
config_method, int(config_timeout), True).start() |
server = ThreadingTCPServer((config_local_address, config_local_port), |
Socks5Server) |
server.timeout = int(config_timeout) |
logging.info("starting local at %s:%d" % |
tuple(server.server_address[:2])) |
server.serve_forever() |
except socket.error, e: |
logging.error(e) |
(config['local_address'], config['local_port'])) |
udprelay.UDPRelay(config, True).start() |
tcprelay.TCPRelay(config, True).start() |
while sys.stdin.read(): |
pass |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
server.shutdown() |
sys.exit(0) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |