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docs: add description of tiny thread pool design

Dnomd343 2 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 22
  3. 74
  4. 114


@ -1,2 +1,3 @@


@ -1,24 +1,16 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "tiny_pool.h"
void demo_fun(void *i) {
int k = *(int*)i;
printf("demo func sleep %ds\n", k);
printf("demo func %d wake up\n", k);
int num = *(int*)i;
printf("demo func sleep %ds\n", num);
printf("demo func %d wake up\n", num);
int main() {
// pthread_t tid;
pool_t *pool = tiny_pool_create(2);
int dat[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
@ -41,12 +33,12 @@ int main() {
// TODO: tiny pool join
printf("pool try exit\n");
// printf("pool try exit\n");
// tiny_pool_kill(pool);
// TODO: tiny pool destroy
printf("main exit\n");


@ -4,16 +4,26 @@
pool_t* tiny_pool_create(uint32_t size) {
// TODO: return NULL when error
printf("create thread pool size -> %d\n", size);
pool_t *pool = (pool_t*)malloc(sizeof(pool_t));
// for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
// pool->threads[i] = 0;
// }
if (pool == NULL) {
return NULL;
pool->thread_num = size;
pool->threads = (pthread_t*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * size);
if (pool->threads == NULL) {
return NULL;
memset(pool->threads, 0, sizeof(pthread_t) * size);
pool->status = PREPARING;
@ -27,7 +37,7 @@ pool_t* tiny_pool_create(uint32_t size) {
pool->task_queue_size = 0;
pthread_mutex_init(&pool->task_queue_busy, NULL);
// pthread_cond_init(&pool->task_queue_empty, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&pool->task_queue_empty, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&pool->task_queue_not_empty, NULL);
return pool;
@ -65,17 +75,25 @@ void task_queue_push(pool_t *pool, task_t *task) {
// TODO: send cond signal
printf("send signal -> queue not empty\n");
// printf("send signal -> queue not empty\n");
// pthread_cond_signal(&pool->task_queue_not_empty);
printf("send broadcast -> queue not empty\n");
void tiny_pool_submit(pool_t *pool, void (*func)(void*), void *arg) {
// check status -> failed
if (pool->status == EXITING) {
// TODO: return false here
// TODO: malloc error -> return bool false
task_t *new_task = (task_t*)malloc(sizeof(task_t));
new_task->func = func;
@ -85,6 +103,10 @@ void tiny_pool_submit(pool_t *pool, void (*func)(void*), void *arg) {
// TODO: new task push into task queue
task_queue_push(pool, new_task);
// TODO: queue push may failed -> return false
// TODO: return bool true
task_t* task_queue_pop(pool_t *pool) {
@ -101,9 +123,11 @@ task_t* task_queue_pop(pool_t *pool) {
// TODO: wait new task added
pthread_cond_wait(&pool->task_queue_not_empty, &pool->task_queue_busy);
printf("pop exit wait\n");
printf("pop exit wait\n");
printf("pop exit loop\n");
task_t *front = pool->task_queue_front;
@ -113,6 +137,9 @@ task_t* task_queue_pop(pool_t *pool) {
pool->task_queue_front = NULL;
pool->task_queue_rear = NULL;
/// will it cause dead lock?
} else {
pool->task_queue_front = front->next;
@ -192,15 +219,34 @@ void tiny_pool_boot(pool_t *pool) {
void tiny_pool_kill(pool_t *pool) {
//void tiny_pool_kill(pool_t *pool) {
// printf("pool enter EXITING status\n");
// pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->status_changing);
// pool->status = EXITING;
// pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->status_changing);
printf("pool enter EXITING status\n");
void tiny_pool_wait(pool_t *pool) {
pool->status = EXITING;
// TODO: wait all tasks exit
// TODO: check `busy_thread_num` == 0 and queue empty
void tiny_pool_join(pool_t *pool) {
// TODO: set status -> JOINING -> avoid submit
// TODO: wait --until--> queue empty
// TODO: set status -> EXITING -> some thread may exit
// TODO: signal broadcast -> wait all thread exit


@ -3,55 +3,107 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <pthread.h>
typedef struct task_t {
void (*func)(void*);
void *arg;
struct task_t *next;
} task_t;
// TODO: thread pool status -> preparing / running / exiting / exited
enum tiny_pool_status {
#include <stdbool.h>
/// This is a lightweight thread pool designed for linux. It is implemented in C language. Its
/// goal is to provide simple and stable services, so it does not provide functions such as priority
/// and dynamic adjustment of the number of threads, and only provides the simplest threads pool
/// implementation.
/// The thread pool allows users to handle multiple tasks conveniently, and saves the additional
/// overhead of thread creation and destruction, which is very useful in tasks that require a large
/// number of short-term concurrent executions. There are four life cycle phases in this tiny thread
/// pool design:
/// + PREPARING: At this stage, the thread pool is in a ready state, and tasks can be added at
/// this time, but will not be run.
/// + RUNNING: The thread pool runs at this stage, all tasks will be assigned to each thread for
/// execution in sequence, and new tasks can still be added.
/// + STOPPING: The thread pool is about to be closed, and new tasks are no longer allowed at
/// this time, and the remaining tasks will be completed one by one.
/// + EXITING: At this point, there are no pending tasks, only working threads. When all threads
/// complete their tasks, the thread pool will be destroyed.
/// These four life cycles must proceed sequentially: PREPARING -> RUNNING -> STOPPING -> EXITING
/// When using it, you need to use `tiny_pool_create` to create a thread pool first, and then use
/// the `tiny_pool_submit` function to submit tasks to it. After the preparation is completed, use
/// `tiny_pool_boot` to start the operation of the thread pool, and then you can also add other tasks.
/// When preparing to exit, you have two options. The first is to use `tiny_pool_join`, which will
/// block and wait for all remaining tasks to be completed, then destroy the threads and free the
/// memory. The second is to use `tiny_pool_detach`, which will detach the thread pool and perform
/// the same behavior as the former after all tasks are completed. It is worth noting that after
/// running these two functions, no tasks can be added to this thread pool, and you should no longer
/// perform any operations on the thread pool.
/// In addition, there is a `tiny_pool_kill`, this command will directly clear all tasks, kill all
/// threads, all ongoing work will be canceled, it should only be used in emergency situations (such
/// as a fatal error in the main program). In other cases, it is recommended to use `tiny_pool_join`
/// or `tiny_pool_detach` interface.
enum pool_status {
typedef struct {
pthread_t *threads;
uint32_t thread_num;
typedef struct task_t {
void (*func)(void*); // function pointer of the task
void *arg; // argument of task function
struct task_t *next; // the next task in the queue
} task_t;
enum tiny_pool_status status;
pthread_mutex_t status_changing;
typedef struct pool_t {
pthread_t *threads; // store thread id
uint32_t thread_num; // number of threads
uint32_t busy_thread_num;
pthread_mutex_t busy_thread_num_mutex;
enum pool_status status; // life cycle state
pthread_mutex_t status_mutex; // mutex for `status`
task_t *task_queue_front;
task_t *task_queue_rear;
uint32_t task_queue_size;
pthread_mutex_t task_queue_busy;
uint32_t busy_thr_num; // number of working threads
pthread_mutex_t busy_thr_num_mutex; // mutex for `busy_thr_num`
// pthread_cond_t task_queue_empty;
pthread_cond_t task_queue_not_empty;
task_t *task_queue_front; // head of task queue
task_t *task_queue_rear; // end of task queue
uint32_t task_queue_size; // size of task queue
pthread_mutex_t task_queue_busy; // mutex for `task_queue_xxx`
pthread_cond_t task_queue_empty; // condition for task queue becomes empty
pthread_cond_t task_queue_not_empty; // condition for task queue becomes not empty
} pool_t;
/// This function create a new thread pool, you need to specify the number of threads,
/// it will be in the `PREPARING` state, and return NULL on failure.
pool_t* tiny_pool_create(uint32_t size);
void tiny_pool_submit(pool_t *pool, void (*func)(void*), void *arg);
/// Submit a task to the specified thread pool, and the task is a function pointer (it
/// receives a void pointer and has no return value) and a parameter. It will return
/// true if the commit was successful, and false otherwise.
bool tiny_pool_submit(pool_t *pool, void (*func)(void*), void *arg);
// TODO: confirm just run once
/// This function will start the specified thread pool and change its state from
/// `PREPARING` to `RUNNING`. If the thread pool is already in non `PREPARING` at runtime,
/// it will have no effect.
void tiny_pool_boot(pool_t *pool);
void tiny_pool_kill(pool_t *pool);
/// This function will change the thread pool from `RUNNING` to `STOPPING`, and enter the
/// `EXITING` state when the queue is empty, likewise, if the state is non `RUNNING` when
/// entered, it will also have no effect. All tasks will automatically free resources after
/// completion. Note that it is blocking and may take a considerable amount of time.
void tiny_pool_join(pool_t *pool);
// TODO: destroy method
/// It is basically the same as `tiny_pool_join` in function, the difference is that it is
/// non-blocking, that is, it will automatically handle the remaining tasks and complete
/// resource free process after execution.
void tiny_pool_detach(pool_t *pool);
// pool join -> handle to remain tasks -> return when queue empty and not thread working
// pool destroy -> only wait current working task -> ignore waiting tasks in queue -> free memory and exit
/// This function will forcibly clear the task queue and reclaim all resources. Note that
/// this will cause the interruption of running tasks and the loss of un-running tasks.
void tiny_pool_kill(pool_t *pool);
